
The Simple Golf Swing Beginner's Guide

Understanding the fundamental principles of a simple golf swing is the first step in becoming the golfer you would like to be. The golf swing is made up of key components that will take you to that next level of play.

The most common swing mistake that amateur golfers make is coming over the top in their downswing. This causes the ball to spin clockwise, sending the ball curving to the right, if right handed and counter clockwise, sending ball left, if left handed. In this article we will be referring to the right handed golfer for the remaining golf tips.

When I first started playing golf, I remember swing the club which was bought from golf clubs for sale online shop and almost every time the ball would slice. I would go to the driving range and hit hundreds of balls, with no improvement. That is until I learned what was causing the slice. There could be several reasons why your downswing is coming over the top. This means that your swing is going threw the ball with an outside to inside path.

You should find the perfect balance with both hands having equal control and pressure on the club. Avoid putting all the pressure in one hand. This may cause a "slice", or hook. Make sure that the pressure on your grip is slight, like holding a tomato without squeezing out the juices. Just find the sweetest spot to hold and control the club.

The best way to analyze your downswing is to take a practice swing without the ball and leave a divot. Your divot should be parallel with the target line. You have come over the top and ball will have spin, causing a slice with golf irons. Also, make sure your club face is square at impact. An open face club at impact will cause the ball to slice as well.

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While the basis of golf will never change, it is important to remember that your body structure and mentality of the game is different then others. This is what separates golfers! While the simple golf swing is always waiting for you, it will always be different from other golfers. There will never be an exact swing in comparison to others. You may be able to mimic the golf swing of others but your body structure is different and your mentality is different. Your immediate results for the simple golf swing are determined by your understanding of what your body is capable of doing. Practice and sheer determination to be the golfer you always wanted to be will allow you to find that simple golf swing with burner plus irons. Once you have found your swing, everything else will fall into place.

Your stance will change every shot taken during the game. Learning the basic stance is important to help you find your perfect swing. Place your feet about shoulder width apart with your toes turned slightly outwards for more balance through the swing. Bend your knees for a more relaxed and stable stance.

Once you master all the basic steps above, it will be easier to find your perfect swing. Take your shots one at the time. Don't focus yet on the type of swing you want to use. Just follow the basic steps and aim for the ball and the hole. Following these simple steps, and a lot of practice, will help you achieve peak performance in golf.

