
Tips for Hitting Golf Balls

Maximum power for golf game is generated by this sequence of movements-the powerful legs' muscles leading the shoulders, then the arms, then the hands through impact in a whipping motion. Feel your legs pull your upper body during the downswing. Make your legs do all the work throughout the downswing. Forget your upper body, and you will get effortless, maximum distance on your shots. Start down slowly with your hands to produce more leverage in your swing. The coil between your hips and shoulders will be stretched tighter during the downswing, producing more power at impact.

On the downswing in golf game, lead with your legs. Trust your legs to start the downswing, and then execute a hard and quick leg drive through the ball. This will whip your hands through impact naturally and effortlessly, producing powerful, high shots with cheap golf clubs.

To maximize your power through impact, leave your hands at the top. As your legs thrust forward to begin the downswing, feel you are leaving your hands at the top of the backswing. As the downswing unwinds, your hands must feel delayed, coming lazily through impact in super slow-motion. Delaying your hands during the downswing stretches the coil tighter between your hips and shoulders, which produce longer shots with fairway wood. Feel an OPEN-CLOSE radial rotation throughout your swing. Feel a slight radial rotation of your arms and hands-clockwise on the backswing, counter-clockwise on the downswing through impact, and further natural rotation around on the follow-through. The clubface is square to the target line at address, slowly opens throughout the backswing, and then slowly closes during the downswing so it returns to square at impact.

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At address, think accuracy and you will get effortless distance. Think results, not method-see your ball fly to the target area. Concentrate on where you want the ball to go, not on details of the correct swing with taylormade burner plus irons. Visualize the results you want and block everything else out of your mind.

Practice balance by swinging with your feet together. This will increase your sense of balance. You will hit the ball farther because good balance is an important source of power in the golf swing. During practice, pre-round warm up, or waiting between shots on the course, take slow, controlled swings with your feet together. Sense your stomach remaining centered and your head remaining still. Feel your swing's rhythm and tempo to enhance your sense of timing the next time you prepare to strike the golf ball. By following all these swing keys to power, you will hit the ball farther than ever.

